GC Biotech is the proud distributor of high quality products used in the biosciences. A good study of the biochemical reactions inside cells, plant life and human beings can only come to being with professional equipment and the right reagents. GC Biotech supplies many of the goods needed to do proper research on various subjects like cancer research, biomolecular studies and the development of pharmaceutical products.
As a specialist we supply many tools for automation. These applications and devices reduce the time needed to prepare or process a lot of batches, leaving much of your precious time for actual research. Bionex is for example on of the brands that manufactures advanced laboraty equipment for rapid automated processing. Because of their dynamic plate handling innovations many other companies joined to create strong partnerships. This resulted in de creation of many advanced devices for automation. View the website of GC Biotech and read more about the technical innovations of modern laboratory equipment.
Automation and other applications
Process automation is a very important part of sound research. GC Biotech provides the necessary products to do solid research. We sell many Bionex machines such as liquid handling systems. These robots dispense the set amount of quantity of reagent. And make sure all your samples contain an equal or set volume of liquid which saves a lot of time. There is also the BeeSure Level Sensing System. This can sense the amount of the sample stored in vessels such as microplate wells, micro tubes, vials and reagent containers. It’s quality control tool which detect changes in the level of substance in the containers. With this device, that GC Biotech offers, one can register faulty pipetting procedures or a blocked tip. Be sure with BeeSure of Bionex.
Our biotech suppliers
There are a host of other suppliers from which GC Biotech get their goods. These add to the vast amount of highly advanced biochemical technologies. On our website one can find more useful information about these companies as well as the details on their products.
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